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Cão deitado na praia com areia no focinho

The Kindred's Eye

Pet photography

To highlight the richness of the bond between kindred spirits




Choose your favorite place to capture moments with your best friend!



Don't worry about the location: in our studio or at your place, we offer all the commodities to register the moment!

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Looking for something different? Why not saving magical moments with a theme of your choice!?


Frequently asked questions

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«My dog is restless and hard to control, would it still be possible to book a session?»

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«I booked a session, what happens now?»

«I only have availability for an hour, is it possible to do the photo session?»

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«And after the session, what happens?»

Contact us!

We'd love to meet your bestfriend!

Loulé, Algarve, Portugal

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